Sunday, February 24, 2013


Eyes open. Mind awakened. Dreams of yesterday become goals of today. Greatness empowered by strength, determination and a resolve that knows no bounds. As with the day before he laces up not merely shoes but conduits to the future he dreams of. Determined to out run his dreaded past and leap sole first into the future.

He races towards the rising sun determined to reach the ocean before the sun breaks the morning sky. Heart pounding, feet drilling into the pavement. Inch by inch he nears his destiny. Racing against time, chance and the unmotivated self that befalls all manner of men. Sweat burns his eyes as he digs deep to his core to spark the fire that burns within. The open road is his sanctuary, darkness his canvas and silences his fortitude. The morning air is cold and thick. Glimpses of the sun rising beyond the horizon push him forward. With each stride muscles awaken as cells die and are reborn. The machine that is his body comes alive like a vessel in flight. His mind is focused, his body seamless as the deep blue sea. His thoughts focused on the day at hand. Mountains to conquer. Battles to win as the war wages on. Every step forward is a moment closer to the reality where he breaks free from the mundane and embraces the exceptional idealism. In his eyes he is a work in progress that strives each day to be better and better until the dream is realized. Some call him driven but to others he is the runner.

By: Shawn Maile

Friday, February 15, 2013

Manners Maketh A Man

My first blog post for the year comes two months in. Hopefully everyone made it through January (longest month ever after getting paid in December) safely and have now settled into February quite nicely. For those who have resolved to make changes in their lives, hats off to you. For those who have not, hats off to you too.

This post was inspired last Saturday afternoon while I was picking up my cousins classmate for them to go hang out. While he was getting in I heard his mom says “John” (not his real name)”yes mom”, “ do you have everything you need in life?’. At this time I looked over at my aunt who looked back at this 11 year old kid with the same blank expression I had. His mother then said without missing a beat “manners and clean underwear”.

Well this made my day as we all couldn’t help but laugh. Strangely enough though his mother was more stern than amused. It got me thinking that not many parents in today’s society enforce the value of good manners on their children. Though light hearted the moment may have been, the seriousness of it was definitely loud and clear. In my day and age I could not go a day in school without hearing one of my teachers repeat the adage “Manners maketh a man”. Of course at per-teenage years such sayings meant little or nothing. It was only until entering the world of work I realized how far your repertoire of pleasantries and “manners” can carry you. Whereas skill, knowledge and networking might get you in the door, other factors like agreeableness, personality and positive work ethic might keep you there and help you to excel.

So for 2013, when heading out to the wonderful world of work, be sure not to forget your manners or more so your clean underwear.