Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Weekend Road Warrior Two Wheel Edition

There have been a couple of things that I’ve meant to do since I’ve been a child but I’ve put them off for one reason or another. I made excuses such as you’re not fit enough you’re not skinny enough, you’re not handsome enough, you don’t have enough money etc etc. and the list goes on. But one day I realized that I don’t have to be any of those things that I thought I wasn’t, I just had to try. And try I did when I signed up for the Antigua & Barbuda Cycling Association season opener Family Fun ride that took place last Sunday afternoon. It took me a whole week to get a bike up and running for this event. In the end I ended up riding a purple female framed 15 speeder belonging to my aunt. My consolation was that it was a Huffy. I manly stuck to my story “oh this, this is just a loaner for the weekend cause my race bike is in the shop undergoing repairs” and carried on as if nothing was the matter. It was blood sweat and nearly tears when my “weekend loaner” developed some gear issues towards the last ¼ mile of the ride. But alas I soldiered on to the end like I know Lance Armstrong would, even if he had to carry the bike across the finish line. The thought just actually hit me that I was too much man for this ladies bike and so she broke under pressure.

As history would have it I made it back to the finish line in an undisclosed time a few minutes ahead of last place and celebrated my accomplishment with an ice cold glass of blue Gatorade.

So for those who dare to ride, I say don’t wait till your good enough to try something you’ve always wanted to try, just do it.

Look out for more amazing adventures of the weekend road warrior, 2012 is just beginning.

I'm the guy in the back towards the middle.

Isn't she a beauty?

Got to rep the 5.