Sunday, August 15, 2010


I recently learnt of Usain Bolts defeat at the recently held Diamond Games in Stockholm. This occurrence caused me stop and think for a second. My thoughts focused not on the fact that he got beat but more so on the somewhat invincible status that followed this athlete since his debut around two years a go. In essence people loose races everyday, but its not everyday a world record holder looses to a worthy opponent or is it? A quick google search lead me to realize that Usain Bolt follows a long list of runners who have achieved this milestone in their careers. Needless to say that losing happens. We are all aware of this from the time we play our first game of cricket/football/marbles/basketball and most notoriously LIFE. If anything I can empathize with Usain, I’m sure we all can. He defied his odds and rose above and beyond to make a mark that not many men/women are able to make. Not for want of trying but for other circumstances such as wind factor, genetics, laziness, or plain old bad luck.

I would like to think that the world is filled with Usain Bolts. Men women boys and girls who tried their endeavor best to accomplish a goal and did so. But like Usain we all must come to terms with the reality that success is a two sided coin. On the one side is victory and on the other side defeat. The defeat may not be definite in nature but relative. Things go wrong as they always do. Some days we are prepared and other days we aren’t and life simply catches us off guard despite all our preparations and previous successes. These days are mandatory once you have some measure of success or still striving for it. Had it not been for these days on the flipside of the coin, the days on the good side would not be as sweet as they are.

I doubt Usain will throw in the towel at this point as he has youth, form, and vigor on his side. I also doubt that any of you will give up other as you too have these same qualities, minus the million dollar shoe deals and fringe benefits of being a star athlete. So why should we give up on the job search, on the college applications, on the plans to retire at fifty and on rowing across the Atlantic.

So to all I say, Live, Love and Persevere.

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