Wednesday, May 18, 2016

The Art of Gratitude

The art of gratitude knows no magnitude.

Within the last 24hrs I've been retaught the lesson of gratitude twice. On the first occasion I encountered a well off family hosting a birthday party for their 10 year old daughter. I was taken a back as to how insistent the father was with his daughters manners. Given that the family could've bought the establishment without thinking twice reminded me that money isn't everything.

On the second occasion it occurred to me how influential a coworker was in assisting me with the completion of a task. It dawned on me afterwards that I needed to say "thank you". Realizing that so many men and women are committed to not only doing their jobs but doing it effectively is humbling.

My mind pondered on how many persons go through the day without saying thank you. We all go to work to make a living but how many of us receive any sort of appreciation for the services we render. How many of us instill in our children the importance of gratitude?

It can and probably will be said that your pay cheque at the end of the week/month is all some persons need. I however beg to differ. Saying thank you to a coworker/colleague for assisting you with a task or even for just showing up for work should make that person feel appreciated.

On any given day we make phone calls to get information and to make inquiries. Do we stop to tell the other person on the other end thanks for their time and letting them know how much their assistance is appreciated ? Do we thank our teachers for caring for our children while we're at work earning said living? Do we thank the crossing guard for ensuring their safety ? The list could go on and on with each person adding their own question to the mix.

It dawned on me that I should walk through my office building and thanking everyone for coming to work today. I wondered what their response would be. Luckily I got side tracked before submitting this blog post. The delay allowed me to encounter a coworker who was leaving work early for the day. I stuck out my hand and thanked her for coming in to work today and that I appreciated the effort she put in for the day. Sure enough she was puzzled and asked why I was thanking her for coming to work. I explained that I simply wanted to say thank you.

I encourage you to attempt the same wherever your place of work may be. Feel free to leave a comment with your experience.

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