Sunday, May 1, 2016

Thank God Its Sunday

Dr. Eric Thomas has a feature video on his website every Monday entitled Thank God Its Monday. I'm guessing its because most people dread Mondays and need that extra push to get them through the day in a positive way. After listening to a few of his videos and listening a few interviews he has done, I can identify with what he's been saying about passion and trusting the process. This morning I woke up bursting with energy, my heart was going 1,000 miles an hour and my mind going 10,000 miles an hour. I just want to live, but I want to do it in the best way possible, surrounded by the best people possible for as long as possible. So today I am thanking God that it is Sunday. The day before Monday where I can get my thoughts together and plan for the week ahead. So to everyone who needs that push, that extra bit of encouragement that extra drop of greatness, I advise you to look within. To dig deep down inside and find what it is that you're really searching for and who it is that you really are. It won't be easy but like E.T. said, you have to "trust the process". If you need more inspiration/insight/information check out ET's website I'm sure you'll find something there to help you get out of whatever situation you may currently be in.

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