Sad to say but my university career forced me to side track my full time job of being a TV show analyst (I don’t earn an income from this as yet as my full time job is cutting into it as well) and as such I missed the entire second season of Prison Break. However I have recently acquired this award winning television show and need I say that it is just amazing. Seasons three and four were the icing on my college life and got me through weekends that not even ice cream and cake could cure. What I find intriguing and refreshing is not the cliff hangers or characters or main plot points but rather Michael’s unrelenting optimism, attention to detail, and his ability to see the biggest picture possible. Here is a man that not only studied every detail of the blue prints of a prison but had it tattooed to his body in order to save his brothers life. The blue print here symbolizes to me your way not only to get out of your dead end job (just in case such is the case) or your plan to get a new job or to pursue a degree, love interest, or hobby etc. But that my friend is just the beginning. After the plan is being executed then come the real test. The test being your ability to adjust on the move, to make decisions at the drop of a dime and still seeing the end result despite of the obstacles.
For some reason though Michael meets many roadblocks and bridges along the way he never gives up hope of his final freedom. The plans might change but the destination remains the same regardless of what happens. Needless to say that once you start running your going to have a tough time getting to your final destination. New jobs mean new people, new responsibilities, new work load, new atmosphere. Might be more money at the expense of less family time. Might be new office romance at the expense of old relationships. If your going to school it might be a new country, culture, food, people and language all rolled into one experience. A move away from home may bring a level of freedom that is scarily exciting. The new shoes and new jeans will still excite you despite their minute nature but the larger rewards that you reap from breaking free will forever change your life.
Impossible is a word that was probably invented by someone not physically blind but maybe mentally so. To see the possibility in a thing is wonderful but to attain it, well I’d like to think that it is indescribable to say the least.
What I am getting at is this. We all have our prisons. For some it may be our jobs while for others it may be our relationships, bodies, or minds but to these I say there’s always a way out. The plan may not come together all at once but you might have to give it time to come together. Some times things have a way of just coming together when you least expecting them too or when you didn’t want them too but it’s up to you to see the good in every situation and make it work for you. So by all means do not quit your job today and hope to start a new one by next Monday (unless it’s a sure bet). And unless your business plan is complete and you’ve tested your business on a sample market don’t quit your day job unless you’re very much convinced that it is going to work. If such is the case then by all means carry on.
When it is all said and done we all need to be like the proverbial Michael Scofield and break out of our Fox River’s with the hopes of retiring in Mexico. It is all about the end game, so plan well dig deep and go hard. There is always room at the top.
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