Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Before I'm 30

Life seemed so much easier during childhood. I saw my parents coming and going to and from work with what I thought was little effort on their part.I paid no attention to the gravity of the situation that was my life as at the time ignorance was most definitely bliss. I had no inclination as to what it took to survive in the real world as my duties were eat,sleep, school repeat.

Now my childhood is gone and I realize that the mother and father I once idolized were mere mortals. Born with a flaw that my childish eyes could never have detected. But alas I have come to know life for what it is, "the sum of my choices". I thank them for some they've made and wonder about those they didn't.

At 28 I find myself on a constant soul searching mission, desperately trying to figure it all out. Some days the answer seems all to clear:get an education, get a job and get married THE END. Other days it's just not that simple. On the days I seem to have it all figured out, all is at peace but on the days when nothing goes according to plan all hell breaketh loose. If I'm honest though I've made some mistakes along the way. Some laughable some not. Some that will take a life time to repay, others that will be forgotten in a day.

Now at 28 my journey into adulthood continues. The choices I've made and failed to make have brought me to this junction. There is no clear path forward but before I turn 30 I sure would like to figure some of it out.