For most of us, making a decision takes a while. We have to weigh the pros and the cons, the hi's and the low's the ins and the outs and etc. etc. Sometimes we go from that gut feeling and things work out wonderfully as opposed to deep thought and heavy introspection. Not to say that informed decision making is bad, oh no, it has its place but some days you have to just blink and make that all important decision. (This inspiration comes from the novel Blink by M. Gladwell based on the premise of thinking without thinking.)
As it is a new year, we all have made resolutions and resolved to change. At the end of the year though most of us still have the same resolutions as the previous year and maybe those from the year before as well. Why is that? Are we living too much in the future and not enough in the present. Are we planning too much for tomorrow and not living enough for today. What really is the problem? Being too hasty and irrational might not be the best way forward but split second living has its place. In a society where moves are being made everyday from the top down and the bottom up we somehow tend to get stuck in the middle of our own dilemas.
Making a decision on the go can bring a flurry of ideas and insights. Working on the move might give you greater perspective and oversight.It may at times seem irrational and irresponsible but it has its place. By all means plan ahead but by any means don't fight that gut feeling to make a move that you can't explain but you know is right.
I refer not to life and death situations as running a red light or unprotected sex but matters that may arrive in everyday conversation with the boss. The decision to be bold to be outspoken, to take charge of that meeting and put your best foot forward.
Don't let 12 days later be 12 days too late.